We went to an Easter brunch that a Christian church here in Shanghai hosted called Grace Abundant with our new friends Emily and Jason. It was a great mix of western style food with a few Chinese options. It was our first experience at trying western breakfast foods in China and it was really good. I wish I would have taken more pics (you live and learn right?) but I snapped a few I thought I would share from my phone.
There were lots of fun things to do at the brunch although most of them were for the kids, or like Joel, the grown-ups who are still kids at heart. While I had to talk Joel out of the jumping castle for fear of the children's safety we did partake in the mini petting zoo set up that was filled with baby chicks and bunnies. There were little cages so the kids could take home some new pets. I wanted to take some home! They were all so cute!
Baby Chicks! |
Joel made a new friend! |
We did think a few of the bunnies were on their death bed from being man-handled by the children but it turns out they were faking and were easily revived with some watermelon and carrots. Although I hope for their sake they all went to good homes and the boy who picked the bunnies up by the ears parent's didn't let him keep one...
I can just hear Joel wanting to jump in the castle!