Sunday, November 20, 2011

The mountains are calling and I must go...

If you had asked me 9 months ago when I was packing my bags (and 20 pairs of jeans) to move across the world to China what I would miss most, I would have said a few things.  My list would have been; family and friends, my fur babies and Mexican food.  Never would I have ever said, the mountains, clean air and nature because they were always things that I took for granted that everyone had and could enjoy.  It wasn't a privilege it was just a fact of life that any weekend we had available Joel and I could escape and be in the woods in an hour.  Crazy that now it is one of the things that I miss the most.  So when I was home I took advantage of the fact that I could be outside all day and at the family cabin in an hour.
When Joel arrived in the states I had already been there for almost 3 weeks.  It was so exciting to see him (that may be the longest we have ever been apart).  It was even more exciting because we had missed our 3 year anniversary together.  So when he arrived I picked him up at the airport late at night and we drove straight to the cabin to meet my parents.  Another really exciting thing was that my brother and his girlfriend Lizzy were able to meet Joel on his connection in LA and get the same flight in to Denver to spend the weekend with us.

It was such a fun weekend that really flew by.  We hit the outlets for some shopping, explored Dillon CO and my parents took us to an amazing dinner to celebrate Joel and my anniversary and to celebrate Colin and Liz being in town.   I also was able to teach everyone Mahjong! It was a great weekend that went way too fast.  

Spending time with my fur baby by the fire.

My dad on a hike to the lake! 
Lizzy and Colin hiking to the lake.

Dinner at Ski Tip Lodge.

Showing off the beautiful food!
A little blurry, but Joel and I with his anniversary gift!

Anniversary night!

Teaching everyone to play mahjong.


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