After Iceland Joel and I stopped over in London for a few days to relax and so he could have a few meetings for work. London is one of our favorite cities, we even had our first date there! So when we visit now, we don't really feel like tourists and we just get to enjoy the city. We went to our favorite pub, The Three Tuns and visited our favorite museum, the Tate Modern and did a few other cultural things. It was a nice time of year to visit, it was cold but there weren't many people around, so no big crowds everywhere we went. We took a few pics out and about, but not too many...
Joel at our favorite pub. |
Obligatory tube shot. |
With my pregnancy sickness still in full swing Joel nicely obliged and took me to Chipotle, not once, not twice but three times in the few days we were there. It was one of the only things I could keep down for some reason and I was so excited that London has several locations now!
Oh yum! |
We love strolling through the streets of London at night, down Oxford street and window shopping. It was chilly but the city was still sparkling with Christmas lights!
They still had their Christmas decorations up! |
Joel posing. |
Our reflection. |
Cold day on the Thames. |
A highlight of our trip was getting to catch up with some friends that we had met at our hotel in Tokyo. We stayed in touch since our trip so we met them for dinner and also got to see their beautiful town home in London. Travel really does make your life richer!
After dinner. |
Taking lemonchello shots. |
Outside the town home. |
Me with Sven and Chris. |
Our big touristy thing that we did was visit the Tower of London. Joel and I had both been before but not in years so we spent a few hours wandering around. It was empty which was a very different experience than the millions of people that are usually there. I really wanted to go to see the crown jewels, which I enjoyed and even pointed out a few things to Joel that would make good anniversary presents. Lol.
Heading to the Tower of London. |
Wandering around. |
Joel making a smashed penny for our collection. |
Tower Bridge. |
Still at the Tower of London. |
Another fun thing we did while we were there was go to see the Phantom of the Opera. It is such a great musical and Joel and I hadn't seen it in so long we decided to get discounted day of tickets and go.
Joel getting our tickets. |
In front of the theater. |
Ready to watch! |
We had a great time in London, can''t wait until next time!