So far I have been having the best time here in the US. I have been here for almost a month now and it has flown by! Joel has already been here for a week and a half but still has 2 weeks until he heads back. We have spent our time catching up with our friends and family, spent a lot of time in the mountains and mostly just enjoyed Colorado. I haven't taken a huge amount of pics but I thought I would just share a few from my phone to catch you all up on what we have been doing!
We had Joel's brother over for dinner a few nights ago, after grilling out we played around and took the dogs out. Penelope (our black lab) is a golf ball finding genius and loves fishing them out of the bottom of the creek as they roll past. She can stick her whole head under water to grab them. It is quite impressive!
Joel and his brother enjoying a walk and playing with the dogs on the golf course. |
Penelope getting her ball out of the creek, can you see her head? |
A good friend of mine from college had a baby a few weeks ago and I am so glad that I was able to come home and meet her while she was still so tiny! This is the first baby in my group of college friends so we are all very excited! After Joel got in he got to meet her and didn't really know how to hold her. It was really funny to watch!
Joel meeting Brooke. |
She fell asleep! |
Joel and I tried to go on the Coors Brewery tour recently (because it is so close to my parents house!) and the line was so long we opted for a smaller brewery in Golden, called Golden City Brewery. It was fun, not super exciting beer though.
Joel with his beer. |
We have also spent a lot of time, like I said, in the mountains. This was the only pic I took from a night up here with our friends Kev and Mel. We put Kevin to work and made him hang a deer head. : )
Kevin with the deer head. |
For the Fourth of July, fire works were banned but that didn't keep us from having a great day! Joel and I had three parties to attend. The first was a pool party with a small group and Brook even joined us in her super cute new suit! We then went to Joel's friend Shannon's house and then ended our night at my parents house who had a huge bash. It was a great day!
Brooke modeling her swim suit. |
We were twins with our patriotic colors! |
And last but not least, on another trip to the mountains (one which I will share a few more pics from in the next post) it was cold and rainy and we all had to bundle up. It rained all day and night and the temps dropped down to 55 degrees so we were even able to have a small fire at the cabin. One person however did not appreciate the cold weather and wore his snuggie around the house all day. That would be the tough hunting dog Guinness. He really loves his snuggie.
Guinness all bundled up! |
Well, that is all for now! I will share more pics in the next post!