Hello! Welcome! If you are visiting my blog you have heard by now that my husband Joel and I are moving to Shanghai (yep, that's in China). Or you have gotten here by accident but are still more than welcome to stick around. So, it's out there now. After months of wondering and waiting, we have one month until D-day (departure day, not to be confused with Dooms day). I am starting this blog for friends and family and curious looky-loos to follow our progress as we set out on the biggest adventure of our lives so far. It will be hard at times, definitely a culture shock but well worth it in the end. We are hoping to help quell our need for adventure, at least for now, by moving to a country that we have never visited, learning a language that we never thought would be necessary and engulfing ourselves in a culture that up until about a month ago we had only thought of as being in movies.
This was a fortune I received two days
before we found out we were moving to China. |
So let me bring you up to date with what we know so far, which to be honest isn't much. Joel was offered a job at a Chinese company called Fosun that will be starting March 1st. He will be learning about the Chinese investment markets. If you need to know more about his job it is probably best if he tells you because it's all Chinese to me (Lol. Not funny?) So I, playing the role as supportive wife, am making the move half way around the world to be with him. Well, let's be honest here...I was really the one who wanted to go, but I sound better as a doting wife. We found an apartment thanks to my dad who was able to view some on a recent business trip he took. And yes, it's two bedrooms so please come visit! And until our visas clear that is about all we know. Tentative d-day will be February 18th but I will tell more when I know more.
As for now, I have quit my job and am now trying to sell, save or trash everything we own, which even in just two years of marriage is a lot of stuff!!! If there was anything in my house you ever thought you wanted, let me know! Most of it is going. We are starting fresh with just a few possessions as we begin this new chapter in our lives.
I hope that you will follow my blog, I would love for you all to comment and tell others about about it so we can all keep in touch. Facebook is censored in China right now, it is a communist country, so this will be where you will find my pictures and videos of everything that we are doing. So goodbye for now and I'll catch you on the flip side! (literally!)